Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries is a passionate and dedicated ministry that is making a profound impact not across our nation but around the world. With a deep commitment to sharing the love of Jesus and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, our mission stands strong, especially in a world marked by the challenges of atheism, secularism, satanism, scientism, apostasy, and the declining influence of Catholicism.
Guided by the wisdom and guidance of the holy Catholic Church, our ministry reaches places where the traditional church may struggle to connect with souls. We see our calling as an awakening, a spiritual resurgence, preparing hearts and minds for the times ahead. Our primary aim is to equip and empower youth, ensuring they are well-prepared to guide others towards repentance and rekindling their faith in the boundless love of Jesus. In this way, we collectively work towards a brighter and more spiritually enriched future.